Monthly Archive: February 2013


NGOs should back off from Sri Lanka

THE main thrust of Gordon Weiss’s attack against the Sri Lankan government (The Australian, February 22) is to dismiss the situation analysed objectively by the visit of Julie Bishop, the Liberal Party’s deputy leader.


Minister Jason Kenney says that Canada acted against its own interest by banning LTTE

15 January 2013

Hon. Jason Kenney, PC., MP,

Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism

House of Commons, Ottawa

Dear Jason:

I recall Martin Luther King Jr., saying: “We shall have to repent in this generation not so much for the evil deeds of the wicked people but for the appalling silence of the good people.”  I consider myself as one “of the good people” guarding a Mother, my Mother Lanka from the baseball bat bludgeoning Canadian parliamentarians, Conservatives, Liberals and NDP alike, and as such I shall not be silent and I shall speak.


Army Court of Inquiry on Channel 4 Allegations Referred to in the LLRC Report Submits Its Findings to the Commander of the Army

Inquiry Reveals That the Instances of Shellings Were Not Caused by the Army

The Army Court of Inquiry appointed by the Commander of the Army Lieutenant General Jagath Jayasuriya VSV USP ndu psc to investigate the controversial Channel 4 claims referred to in the LLRC Report, completed their inquiry concerning the 1st Part of their investigation with regard to the allegation of excessive civilian casualties that said to have been caused due to heavy shellings.