Monthly Archive: March 2013


US is bullying Sri Lanka: US congressman

(Dianne Silva)

The United States should not bully a small country like Sri Lanka, considering the difficulties it has had to face during a 30 year conflict, a member of the US House of Representatives who is visiting Sri Lanka, said yesterday.


Alleged Murder of 12 Year Old Son of Tamil Tiger Leader

84 Tambrook Drive, Agincourt, ON
M1W 3L9
Tel. (416) 498-0783

February 21, 2013

Toronto Star
1 Yonge Street
Toronto, ON
M5E 1E6

Dear Editor,

News Report filed by your Reporter, Raveena Aulakh in Today’s Edition of the Toronto Star

Reference has been made to pictures released by UK’s Channel 4 TV suggesting that the 12 year old son, of the leader of the Tamil Tiger terrorist group, namely, Balachandran Prabhakaran, had been taken into custody by Sri Lanka’s Armed Forces and thereafter executed in cold blood by shooting him at close range. 


Chris Alexander, MP: comments at Thai Pongal celebrations

2066 Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1
10 February 2013

Chris Alexander, Conservative MP for Ajax-Pickering, Ontario House of Commons, Ottawa

Dear Chris:

Wow!…Wow!!…Wow!!!…Chris, hold your horses, I am afraid you just crossed the line where angels fear to tread.  And I did not know that you were part of the Conservative anti-Sri Lanka  bashing Symphony that bashes my Mother Lanka unfairly- the others being Stephen Harper, John Baird, Jason Kenney, Patrick Brown, Paul Calandra, to name a few.  But do you know Chris, all you Sri Lanka-Bashing Conservatives cannot hold a note during your “Song”, and you guys are out of step in your “Dance”, when you do your little Song & Dance routine about Sri Lanka at Tamil community gatherings and at International fora?


Jason Kenney: TNN reports on his round table meeting in Markham

2066 Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1
6 February 2013

Hon. Jason Kenney, P.C., MP
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
House of Commons, Ottawa

Dear Minister:

I just finished reading the TNN (Tamil News Network) news item – Canadian minister fails to address genocide, annihilation of Tamil territory.

Whoever these Tamils are who operate this TNN starts this news item with two brazen lies. It is obvious that these Tamil reporters were at the ‘Tamil Only’ media Round Table meeting in Markham which was addressed by you.