Chris Alexander, MP: comments at Thai Pongal celebrations
2066 Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1
10 February 2013
Chris Alexander, Conservative MP for Ajax-Pickering, Ontario House of Commons, Ottawa
Dear Chris:
Wow!…Wow!!…Wow!!!…Chris, hold your horses, I am afraid you just crossed the line where angels fear to tread. And I did not know that you were part of the Conservative anti-Sri Lanka bashing Symphony that bashes my Mother Lanka unfairly- the others being Stephen Harper, John Baird, Jason Kenney, Patrick Brown, Paul Calandra, to name a few. But do you know Chris, all you Sri Lanka-Bashing Conservatives cannot hold a note during your “Song”, and you guys are out of step in your “Dance”, when you do your little Song & Dance routine about Sri Lanka at Tamil community gatherings and at International fora?