Final Days of Sri Lanka’s War: Lord Naseby on TV immediately after his submission to the House of Lords in London, 12th October 2017

The current political establishment in Sri Lanka has been very silent on Lord Naseby’s evidential evaluation, disputing the high unsubstantiated casualty figures in the final days of the war in May 2009 publicised by the UN HR Agency, perhaps fearing that giving it publicity in Sri Lanka would increase the growing political resurgence of Mahinda Rajapakse, the president who went for a clean sweep of removing the Tamil Tigers after over 30 years of a violent and debilitating terrorist campaign by the Tamil Tigers.

Seeking a third term of presidency in 2015, Rajapakse was removed from power by a cleverly construed pre-election conspiracy secretly put together by his political opponents with the help of western powers disgruntled by Rajapakse’s refusal to agree to the capture of the Tiger leaders instead of eliminating them in the final war. There are signs now that he may yet return to power.

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