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Ranil’s Gestapo Police Exposed In Supreme Court

President’s Counsel, Romesh de Silva’s brilliant analysis of the politically manipulated Police unit investigating financial crimes confirms that the “My-3 regime” has created an illegal arm of the Police to pervert justice. His submission to the Supreme Court, has unerringly alerted the public to the Gestapo role of the Financial Crimes Investigation Department (FCID) – the newly established Police arm of the National Executive Council (NEC) which blindly follows the orders issued by the Prime Minister without any checks to restrain his arbitrary and politically motivated decisions taken against his opponents. Counsel Romesh de Silva’s meticulous description of the FCID debunks the inflated claims on which Yahapalanaya was marketed to the people on January 8th , 2015. His revelations blasts the political myths of the Yahapalanaya (good governance).


තාවකාලිකව රජවුනු විජාතිකත්වය පරදා ජාතික ධජය ළෙලවමු

1815දී අපව ඉංග්‍රීසීන් විසින් ගිවිසුමක් මාර්ගයෙන් කපටි ලෙස (ඔවුන්ගේ කපටිකම් වලට අපි එදවස සිටම රැවටෙමින් සිටිමු.) යටත් කර ගැනීමෙන් පසුව 1818, 1848 ආදී ලෙසින් විවිධ නිදහස් සටන් ඇතිවිය. ඒ සමහර සටන් ජයග්‍රහණයෙන්ද ඇතැම් ඒවා පරාජයෙන්ද කෙළවර විය. ජයග්‍රහණය කළද පරාජය වුවද ඒ සියල්ලම අධීන වූ නිදහසක් බටහිරින් වියෝවූ ජාතික අනන්‍යතාවයක් ගොඩනගාගැනීමට අප යන අනවරත ගමනේ සංධිස්ථාන වෙයි. 


SLFP says ‘No’ to elections in July

The UNP yesterday predicted that Parliament would be dissolved by the end of this month and a General Election held in July, while the SLFP differed saying the poll could take place only in September.


Deputy Defence Minister Ruwan Wijewardena told the “Sunday Island” that Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe had requested President Maithripala Sirisena to dissolve the national legislature latest by the end of this month and they were confident the President would comply, which would make a July election possible.


However, senior SLFP’er Susil Premajayanth, MP, who was also General Secretary of the UPFA, said that the earliest time frame for the next election would be September.


‘Prabha’ set to take over Bar Association?

USAID seeks to consolidate control of Bar

The Bar Association of Sri Lanka (BASL) is contemplating a change in its structure which is likely to put the organization under the control of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), according to high ranking sources of the Association. 

The envisaged restructuring will see the appointment of an Executive Director who will function as the Chief Executive Officer and the Chief Registered Lobbyist. This would severely diminish the discretionary powers of the Secretary, Treasurer and Administrative Secretary.