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Jason Kenney: TNN reports on his round table meeting in Markham

2066 Kings Grove Crescent . Gloucester . Ontario . K1J 6G1
6 February 2013

Hon. Jason Kenney, P.C., MP
Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism
House of Commons, Ottawa

Dear Minister:

I just finished reading the TNN (Tamil News Network) news item – Canadian minister fails to address genocide, annihilation of Tamil territory.

Whoever these Tamils are who operate this TNN starts this news item with two brazen lies. It is obvious that these Tamil reporters were at the ‘Tamil Only’ media Round Table meeting in Markham which was addressed by you.


Geneva Resolution demanding an international investigation into military operations during last stages of the War

Posted on March 11th, 2013
Sri Lanka Support Group, Canberra

The Western do gooders in Geneva plus India allege Sri Lanka committed war crimes during the  last stages of the War. They desperately try to depict Sri Lanka and its people as brutals.  Sri Lankan Government has vehemently maintained its stand that its forces did not commit such brutal, horrendous crimes.


Geneva Resolutions – Sri Lanka, the West and India

Media Release – Sri Lanka Support Group, Canberra

There is enormous pressure on  Sri Lanka currently in Geneva to implement the LLRC recommendations.  There is no need for the international community to pass a Resolution in this regard.  Of the 135 main recommendations made by the LLRC,  the Government has already implemented closer to half of them.