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Repeal the 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka Constitution

Protect Unitary Status – Defuse Racism

The Society for peace Unity and Human Rights (SPUR) is a 16 year old human rights organisation operating in Australia, dedicated to protecting the unitary status and the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka.  We have been active in countering denigration of  Sri Lanka and challenging the spread of malicious misinformation. During the last 16 years, SPUR has been urging the Sri Lankan Government, including President Rajapaksa’s government to repeal the 13th Amendment to Sri Lanka’s constitution. The 13th Amendment, rammed down Sri Lanka’s throat in 1987 by then unfriendly India:


Why 13A should be repealed – II

The 13th Amendment was imposed by India on us following the infamous Indo-Lanka Accord signed by J R Jayewardene under duress amidst parippu drops. Rajiv Gandhi bullied Jayewardene with his gunboat diplomacy by using High Commissioner Dixit, who thought that he was the viceroy here.


Why 13A should be repealed – I

The thirteenth amendment is in the limelight again. Soon after the Supreme Court decided that the Divineguma Bill should be approved by the Provincial Councils the writer in his column in The Island of Sept called for the abolition of the thirteenth amendment.